Letter in support of safe spaces for Black Jews, JoCs and Jews by choice

Blewish And
3 min readSep 18, 2020


Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

We are writing to express alarm about a number of recent incidents, on Twitter and other social media platforms, where the words of Black Jewish women, Jewish people of colour, and Jews by choice have been distorted with the intent of marginalising these voices in our communities.

Jewish communities are richly diverse, complex and wonderful with individuals of various lived experiences and always have been. Our abundant diverse and distinctive histories and identities need to be protected. It is imperative that every Jewish person’s unique individuality, including Black Jews and Jews of Colour, is valued, respected and actively included in all parts of our communities, now and for future generations.

It is acceptable to disagree with each other. However, these disagreements, which can involve painful social and political issues, do not permit the erasure of a Jewish person’s identity or existence within our communities. What is unacceptable, in no uncertain terms, is vicious racism, bigotry or intolerance. We, the undersigned, will not ignore any form of prejudice that seeks to marginalise these voices: no safe space for Jew-hatred means ensuring a safe space for all Jews including Black Jews, Jews of Colour and Jews by choice.


Abe Silberstein
Marlon Solomon, JLM Member
Tema Smith
Keith Kahn-Harris, Senior lecturer, Leo Baeck College
Amos Schonfield, BoD Deputy, Yachad
Yair Wallach, Centre for Jewish Studies, SOAS
Gideon Leibowitz, BoD Rep — LJY-Netzer
Kerry Lambeth
Toby Kunin, Deputy for Noam Masorti Youth
Senior Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner, Senior Rabbi to Reform Judaism
Rabbi Leah Jordan, Rabbi, Kehillah North London
Joshua Garfield, Local Government Officer, Jewish Labour Movement
Tessa Milligan, Jewish Labour Movement’s Political Education Officer
Omar Portillo, Chair, LJ Black and Jews of Colour Inclusivity Action Group
Noah Libson, BoD under-35 Representative, Yachad
Robert Freudenthal, Chair, Kehillah North London
Rabbi Charley Baginsky, Interim Director, Liberal Judaism
Shelley Shocolinsky-Dwyer, Interim Director, Liberal Judaism
Lev Taylor, Rabbinic student
Student Rabbi Gabriel Kanter-Webber
Ruth Seager, Chair, Liberal Judaism
Tamara Micner
Daisy Bogod, Student Rabbi
Rachel Barrett
Elinor Milne, Member, South London Liberal Synagogue
Raymond Simonson, CEO, JW3
Adam Ognall, CEO, New Israel Fund
Dan Rickman, CEO, ORT UK
Anthony Adler, BoD Deputy, St Albans Masorti Synagogue
David Davidi-Brown
Daniel Pablo Garay
Rosa Slater, Movement Worker, Ljy-Netzer
Paul Anticoni, Chief Executive, World Jewish Relief
Mia Hasenson-Gross, Executive Director, René Cassin
Noam Solomons-Wise, Boger — RSY-Netzer
Noah Katz, Campaigns, Events & Publicity Officer, Lancaster University Jewish Society
Jonathan Owojori Fernandez, Chair, Ohel Mo’ed Independent Minyan
Jaclyn Chernett, Chazan, Kol Nefesh Masorti Synagogue
Dr Matt Plen, Chief Executive, Masorti Judaism
Morgan Holleb, Co-director, pink peacock
Rum Samuel, Community Development Worker, 7 Hills Shul
Joe Isaac, Director, di rozeve pave CIC
Barnaby Marder, Founder, Socialists Against Antisemitism
Arturo Kerbel-Shein, Head, Yiddish House London
Cllr Lee Cowen, Leader of the opposition on Adur District Council
Ben Reiff, Na’amod
Gideon Sassoon, Na’amod
Stephane Savary , National Vice Chair of the Jewish Labour Movement
Rabbi Jeremy Gordon, New London Synagogue
Nick Cassenbaum, Playwright
Liron Velleman, Policy Officer, Jewish Labour Movement
Ronete Cohen, Psychotherapist, The Rainbow Couch
Roni Tabick, Rabbi of New Stoke Newington Shul
Joel Levy, Rabbi, Kol Nefesh Masorti Synagogue
Rabbi Oliver Spike Joseph, New North London Synagogue and Havurah
Clive Gabay, Reader in International Politics, Queen Mary University of London
Stuart Nathan, Science writer
Cllr Felicity Flynn, Socialists Against Antisemitism
Charley Katan, Veranenu
Members of Kehillah North London:
• Liz Reiner
• Nina Weissman
• Michael Ellman
• Daniel Zylbersztajn- Lewandowsky
• Simon Falush
• Jackie Richards
• Stephen Mendel
• Michael Lomotey FRSA
• Gill Levy
• Cllr Sue Lukes
• Michael Ellman
• Dr Vivienne Jackson
• Steve Mendel
• Ashleigh Loeb
Adam Freedman
Alex Wright
Amy Bentham
Aron Keller
Belinda Washington
Ben Young
Benjy Sandler
Bob Simm
Cassie Smith
Catherine Gardner
Christopher Brockwell
Dan Bean
Daniel Lubin
Daniel Selwyn
Daniel Wernberg
Dr. Eve Judith Eisenberg
Ella Rose
Gabriella Kountourides
Harry Kelly
J. Abram
J. Green
Joanne Mulley
Jocelyn Levy
Joe Millis
Joe Millis
Jordan Osserman
Joseph Davis
Joshua Artus
Lara Tobias-Tarsh
Lauren Sagar
Max Simmonds
Miriam Franklin
Mischa Ezekpo
Moshe Mankoff
Natalie Greenberg
Paddy Crosby
Paul Noble
Rabbi Emily Reitsma-Jurman
Rachel L. West
Rafael Friedman
Rebecca Churchill
Rebecca Raybould
Rhys Wynne
Rio Goldhammer
Ruth Lass
Shayla Schlossenberg
Sophia Burns
Sylvia Rowlands
Tanya Rowlands
Theo Daniels
Virginia Mason
Zoe Ezekpo



Blewish And
Blewish And

Written by Blewish And

Black, Jewish, mother, friend and everything else that's beautiful in between.

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